Sarit Smolikove
BSc, Biology, 1998
MSc, Molecular Microbiology, 2000
PhD, Molecular Microbiology, 2004
Post-Doc, Genetics, 2009
As a biological scientist, I am fascinated by the complex and intricate cellular processes joining to form what we define as life. I am specifically interested in the vessel of the genetic material – the chromosomes. In recent years I’m focusing my research on understanding how chromosomes behave in the context of a dividing cell. For my research, genetics serves as one of the most powerful tools in decoding how basic biological processes unfold in living cells. I combine this classical research approach with innovative imaging technology to elucidate the pathways involved in meiotic chromosome segregation.
Note: Earlier publications under Smolikov Sarit
Joseph (Joe) Jalinsky
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Thea (Hui) Tian
Graduate Student
iBio program, PhD Candidate
Joseph (Joe) Oberlitner
Graduate Student
Genetics program, PhD Candidate
Yiwei Li
Graduate Student
MS students starting Aug 2024