Current Lab Members

Joseph (Joe) Jalinsky

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Sarit Smolikove


BSc, Biology, 1998
MSc, Molecular Microbiology,  2000
PhD, Molecular Microbiology,  2004
Post-Doc, Genetics, 2009

As a biological scientist, I am fascinated by the complex and intricate cellular processes joining to form what we define as life. I am specifically interested in the vessel of the genetic material – the chromosomes. In recent years I’m focusing my research on understanding how chromosomes behave in the context of a dividing cell. For my research, genetics serves as one of the most powerful tools in decoding how basic biological processes unfold in living cells. I combine this classical research approach with innovative imaging technology to elucidate the pathways involved in meiotic chromosome segregation.

Note: Earlier publications under Smolikov Sarit

Thea (Hui) Tian

Graduate Student

iBio program, PhD Candidate

Joseph (Joe) Oberlitner

Graduate Student

Genetics program, PhD Candidate

Yiwei Li

Graduate Student

MS students starting Aug 2024

Maggie Tinman

Research Assistant

Brooke Bayless

Undergraduate Researcher

Biology (Cell and Developmental Biology)

Avery Wilson

Undergraduate Honors Student

Biology BA

Evan Meyer

Undergraduate Honors Student

Biology BA

Aasiya Ali

Undergraduate Researcher

Biology (Genetics and Biotechnology)

Sophia King

Undergraduate Honors Student

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology